Is the grace of God in your life? | Amazing Discoveries

How Can We Know the Grace of God?

Incredible Grace - Part 2
How can we understand the grace of God? What’s wrong with our prayers that it so often seems God doesn’t hear us? Why don’t we have confidence in God’s love and concern for us? Where is the peace God promised? How can we live out what we profess to believe, so we can give others a more accurate picture of God?

In this presentation, Pastor Pavel Goia offers a straight-forward, two-step solution to our prayer problems. With fresh perspectives and insights, he shares the story of David’s incredible grace toward Mephibosheth. Listen to inspiring stories of grace in action in our day that teach lessons on how to forgive. Learn how to evaluate the quality of your relationship with God. Discover how understanding the grace of God can give you the peace that passes understanding in your prayer life, regardless of your circumstances.
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