Yuval Noah Harari’s Hateful Delusions | Amazing Discoveries

Yuval Noah Harari’s Hateful Hallucinations

Yuval Noah Harari’s Hateful Hallucinations | Truth Matters
What do the elites think of the rest of us? Matthew Schanche and MacKenzie Drebit reveal the shocking views of Yuval Noah Harari, the best-selling author and celebrated advisor to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. Watch as Harari raves on about the Bible as fake news, the myth of free will, hacking human beings, and how the illuminated ones expect to acquire divine powers through technology.

How does Harari see 2021 as being a turning point for society? And what’s this under-the-skin surveillance that he’s talking about? Most importantly, how should we respond to his outrageous statements? Join Matt and MacKenzie as they put Harari’s comments into the context of Bible prophecy and outline our Christian duty.
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