When is the Time of the End? Judgment Day Bible Study | Week 2

When is the Time of the End? Judgment Day Bible Study | Week 2

Judgment Day Bible Study
Have you ever wondered how the Three Angels’ Messages in Revelation 14 connect to real-world events? Did you know it’s the most important message given to humanity? Join Amazing Discoveries for Episode 2 of an inspiring 10-week journey! In this presentation, MacKenzie Drebit uncovers the time of the end, the literal fulfillment of these prophecies. From William Miller’s studies to the global preaching of these messages, we explore how the judgments unfolded exactly as foretold. Ready to deepen your understanding? Using the King James Bible and simple tools, we show how scripture explains itself and why these truths are more relevant today than ever. The Bible is not complicated—God will open our understanding. You can be confident these principles will guide your study and help you see how prophecy can become practical in your life! Register at JudgmentDayDocumentary.com for access to study notes, quotes, and updates. Studies are every Friday at 5:00 PM PST. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow in God’s truth!
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