The 1843 Chart and Prophetic Clarity: Understanding the Fifth and Sixth Trumpets | Week 5

Decoding the 1843 CHART | Judgment Day Bible Study | Week 5

The Trumpets and Woes: Decoding Prophecy Through the 1843 Chart
Join us for Judgment Day Bible Study Week 5 with MacKenzie Drebit as we explore the powerful themes of the Three Angels' Messages in the Book of Revelation. Discover the foundational messages of the original SDA church that set us apart. 

Understand the importance and significance of the 1843 chart—will we harden our hearts or walk in the old paths? Can we accept the clear truths as written, without adding our own interpretations? Ellen White saw in vision that the messages and the 1843 chart should be plainly presented to avoid misunderstanding, and so it was, without alteration. Yet many still choose to reject it. In this study, we will cover these crucial points and much more, including the significance of the fifth and sixth trumpets and their connection to the first and second woes.

Also, discover how these prophecies tie into historical events, and what they reveal about God's judgment and mercy. As we explore these important topics, we encourage you to engage with us! Do you have questions about the trumpets and their implications for us today? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and let's foster a meaningful discussion together.
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