God’s Final Warning: Are We Living the Three Angels’ Messages?

The True Three Angels' Messages and How We Lost Them | Part 1

Awakening Laodicea: Embracing the Three Angels’ Messages
Join MacKenzie Drebit as we uncover an urgent message for God’s people: it’s time to wake up and embrace the three angels' messages from Revelation 14. These messages reveal the everlasting gospel and carry a critical warning for our time. The church of Laodicea is called out for being lukewarm—comfortable and unprepared for God’s judgment. Are we ready to stand before Him? Are we not only hearing this message but also living it?

As Seventh-day Adventists, we have been entrusted with a unique role as watchmen during a time of spiritual and moral crisis. Sharing God’s final warning with those who already have access to the truth is both a challenge and a privilege. 

Are we rising to this responsibility, or are we holding back the truth? This message is a call to action, a plea to examine our hearts and our purpose.
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