New Project Announcement: Judgment Day Documentary

New Project Announcement: Judgment Day Documentary

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our latest project, Judgment Day! In this captivating documentary, we’re taking you on the road to where it all began with Ellen White in Portland, Maine. We’ll travel across New England to the very places where the key events of our faith unfolded, bringing the Three Angels’ Messages to life like never before. This journey will reignite the truths that stirred hearts and shaped our movement.

The Three Angels’ Messages have often been overlooked, but now, more than ever, we need to understand their full significance. We are living in the time of the sealing of the 144,000, and the Loud Cry is soon to go forth. But how can we give a message we don’t fully understand? Judgment Day will dive deep into these powerful messages, uncovering their relevance and revealing the urgency for God’s people to proclaim them boldly to the entire world.

Alongside this documentary, we’re launching a 10-week Bible study starting November 29, 2024, designed to tackle the deceptions surrounding these messages and make the truth plain once again. Join us in prayer and support as we work to deliver the final message to the world. Visit for updates, and let’s stand together as we spread this life-changing truth!
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