The Experience Will the Real Adventist Please Stand Up

The Experience

Will the Real Adventist Please Stand Up
Welcome to Amazing Discoveries' Camp Meeting 2024, featuring speaker and AD President Wendy Goubej in “The Experience, Will The Real Adventist Please Stand Up.” Delve into the fascinating historical account of the Exeter, NH camp meeting that helped shape the beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Witness the impact of Samuel Sheffield Snow's message and experience the powerful influence of the Holy Spirit at the onset of the Midnight Cry.

Discover the relevance of this message today, as we reflect on the profound teachings of the pioneers and the significance of the Three Angels' Message. Remember, "We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and his teaching in our past history." (Christian experience in teachings 204.1)

Don't miss this powerful camp meeting, where you'll gain timeless lessons and a deeper understanding of a pivotal moment in Seventh-day Adventist history!
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