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Join us on a faith-filled journey in this DVD series with Mackenzie Drebit. Explore faith, the narrow path, and trust in trials. Discover lessons about the Three Angels' Messages, judgment, and the Midnight Cry. Delve into When Do the 6000 Years End? to unravel biblical chronology and Ellen White’s comments on the timeline. He focuses on faith and a personal relationship with God in these last days. Step forward confidently assured of God’s protection and understand the importance of obedience in the Day of Atonement.
Join us on a faith-filled journey in this DVD series with Mackenzie Drebit. Explore faith, the narrow path, and trust in trials. Discover lessons about the Three Angels' Messages, judgment, and the Midnight Cry. Delve into When Do the 6000 Years End? to unravel biblical chronology and Ellen White’s comments on the timeline. He focuses on faith and a personal relationship with God in these last days. Step forward confidently assured of God’s protection and understand the importance of obedience in the Day of Atonement.